The Team

Three of us, Erik, Marcus and Jan, started out as a team of engineering students at KIT in Karlsruhe, each of us coming from different areas of expertise. We quickly formed a well-functioning, cooperative team that succeeded in developing initial products for university-related projects. Our journey took a significant turn when we met Tobias Baierle, a self-employed physiotherapist from Heidelberg. Tobias brought to our attention a gap in the market: there was no viable solution available that could help people improve their posture in daily life through wearable technology. He pointed out that current solutions were unsatisfactory from a physiotherapeutic standpoint, as they either uncomfortably forced a straighter posture like a corset or, if more intelligent, inaccurately detected upper body posture, leading to incorrect reminders. Inspired by Tobias’s insights, we embarked on developing a new sensor technology that could enable a better product in the posture training category. After many iterations, we successfully developed such a product together.

Jan Bartenbach

Jan Bartenbach



Erik Vautrin

Erik Vautrin



Marcus Hamann-Schroer

Marcus Hamann-Schroer



Tobias Baierle

Tobias Baierle

